As I sit down to write, the global pandemic continues its shattering impact on every facet of human life as we knew it. Saying this is unprecedented is a gross understatement.
Yet, in the midst, of this health crisis and roller coaster markets, the growing number of positive stories now vying for attention on the news is giving me a spark of hope.
People in all walks of life fearlessly leading with heart and resilience determined to help others. Simply put, people helping people.
We’re all perfectly imperfect humans sharing in what feels like a “master class” in cultivating courage and tapping into resilience.
How High Will You Bounce?
The above definition of resilience was taken from the Urban Dictionary—I added the word, “together.”
Like many experienced (sometimes road-weary) professionals, I’ve bought into what I now see as a mistaken belief about leadership AND resilience: It’s a solo practice.
This couldn’t be more wrong! This belief in action is sure to limit how high you and your team bounce back.
Now more than ever, in every firm, no matter the size:
- Relationships matter.
- Empathy matters.
- Trust matters.
We need to know we have each-others back. Leadership is needed “from every seat.”
No matter your role, you have the capacity to lead starting right where you are.
You Got This
If you are the “leader” in your firm, it may feel risky or even scary to consider how best to engage your team to contribute at their best during such a stressful time.
If you’re “just” a member of the team, it may feel a little bit presumptuous or even crazy to consider yourself a leader, especially now.
Imagine, if each of you embrace this opportunity to excel in this “Master Class” in cultivating resilient leadership with the intention of being stronger together.
Consider this quote from Andrew Zolli:
Some questions for every “leader” to consider:
- How can I model resilience and embrace this time of change as an opportunity for growing the collective wellbeing of our team?
- What does my team need from me at this time?
- What do I need from them?
Don’t forget: You have the capacity to be a resilient leader. Your team needs you. Your clients need you. You got this.
Do you want to dig deeper into how you or your team grow your capacity for resilience?
Contact me here to schedule a confidential conversation. I’d love to help!
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