About Laurie
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Founders & Owners
NextGen Professional
Energy Leadership Assessment
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About Laurie
Work With Me
Founders & Owners
NextGen Professional
Energy Leadership Assessment
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Please complete this application for a complimentary Succession Readiness Assessment session.
Preferred Phone Number
Please choose the business that best describes where you are:
Independent Wealth Manager/Registered Investment Advisor or Financial Planner
Independent Insurance Agency
Other... please explain
If you chose "other" please explain.
Are you:
Partner in a multiple partner practice
Potential successor to the owner(s)
Briefly describe the nature of your role:
If you are an owner/partner, what factors are influencing your thinking about succession or exit strategies currently? (such as age, personal health, family matters, desire to pursue other interests)
If you are a successor or seasoned pro considering your options, what factors are influencing your thinking currently?
Succession planning requires putting thought into priorities and then putting those priorities into a plan. It doesn't have to be a perfect reflection at this point, but if you were to quickly rank your priorities, with 1 being most important and 5 being least important, how would you prioritize the following elements of a succession plan?
Get top dollar for the business.
Make sure the clients are well taken care of after I leave the business.
Ensure my family and/or team is well taken care of.
Setting up the business to make sure it leaves a legacy of impact on the world.
Continue to play a role in in the business—one that I still enjoy.
Rank priorities from above.
What do you see at the biggest potential obstacles to successfully planning for successful succession in your business?
Getting decision-makers to agree.
There is not a clear successor yet
Owners are uncomfortable or unwilling to talk about it
I'm too busy
Not sure where or when to start
What are your primary worries when you think about succession? (Check all that apply.)
I worry about finding a successor.
I worry clients won't be happy.
This is my life’s work, I worry I won’t be able to monetize it.
I wonder if it's possible to find a buyer who will take care of my clients and/or team in the way I would want them to.
I worry that even with agreements in place, no one will continue doing things the way I envision after I leave
I worry I'm not ready for retirement.
I worry it might be too late to plan.
Other... please Explain
If you chose "other" please explain.
What have you done so far to initiate planning or take steps toward succession?
No steps taken
We have a current firm valuation
We've held team meetings
Successor has been identified
Other... please explain
If you chose "other" please explain.
Why does it feel important to tackle this now?
Is there anything else you would like to share about you and your situation that could help us dive in quickly during our conversation?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Seattle, WA